Tuesday, July 19, 2011

FREE - MoDMaN prints

I'll send you a block print postcard in the mail... IF you promise to help out with a donation or phone banking to support the Wisconsin fight for public sector workers' rights, and the recall of Republican state politicians. Details below... We Are Wisconsin.

weRWI_hi, originally uploaded by modman60. Creative Commons with Attribution allowed for mass-distribution for non-commercial / political use.

Sit-ins, marches, snow, sleet, you name it the people up there care about the public servants that teach their kids, fight their fires, and sweep their streets.


I dig the way these things look when they've been sent through the mail. Postmarked, stamped, handled, spindled, and sometimes bent. Gets 'em all punkrocky. The cards are inked by hand on 110 pound acid free paperstock at 4" x 6".

Send me your digits (name, address, and zip) to: info at modmanink dot com - and I'll pop it in the mail directly.


Hit me up if you're interested in the 9 x 12 art prints. You can find more card designs, fine art prints, original works, and contact info at modmanink.com

Links To Make Good On Your Promise To Help Out:
We Are Wisconsin
Act Blue - for Wisconsin Democratic Party and MoveOn.org
Progressive Change Campaign PCCC phone bank

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